
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Plum Fruit

I found Henderson, Tennessee as a place that is abundant with trees mostly pine trees.  When I first got here in the Unites States, one in my minor list that I was looking forward was to see an apple tree.  But, days had passed I couldn't find one not even a fruit bearing trees.

I asked Joshua, my husband about it.  Neighbors yards are big enough to plant fruit bearing trees, why is that I couldn't even see one.  He simply said that the government is monopolizing the food supply.  

Well that was my husband opinion about it, or maybe it has something to do with the climate.  But if its the climate, I am thinking that there is a probability of at least one fruit bearing tree is seasoned to bear fruit in each four seasons of the country.  I already experience the Spring and Summer and I am looking forward to at least handpick edible fruits from the trees of any kind.

I am not desperate to see a fruit bearing trees, but I found it odd that each household is blessed with a big yard.  But, what I mostly see are grass that being mowed most of the time, tall-flowery-trees, ornamental and flowery plants.

In front of Grammy's yard, there is an old plum tree planted nearby the road.  It is full of purplish with a green tint leaves.  If you will come and see it by yourself, you will enjoy the shades it can give and you will be enamored by its beautiful scenic view.   

This tree was said to be barren and not fruitful for a matter of years.  Even my husband told me that he never witness the tree to bear fruit back then as also mentioned by Aunt Kathy (Joshua's Aunt). 

Last Month, when I first heard that barren story from Joshua, and Aunt Kathy I uttered a breath prayer and blessed the tree to be fruitful and that the curse be removed and be denounced from it in Jesus name.  The curse might be in the form of disease that cause the tree to stop providing delicious fruits but whatever it is,  I trusted God that He will do something about it believing that He gave us every tree that has fruit with seed in it for our food.