
Monday, August 13, 2012

Winning the Purity War-Defeating the Spirit of Lustful thoughts & Masturbation

May God’s glory and guidance be upon us as we declared the victory we have over the stronghold of the spirit of masturbation and sexual addiction that the enemy once had in our lives. 

I am so encouraged by beloved sisters in Christ who humbly admitted to their selves and confessed the sin that they had in the dark. Through this, the strong bondage of spirit of masturbation was finally defeated in their lives. When they asked forgiveness to our Heavenly Father and came to the point of realizing that their fellowship with God needs to be renewed.

A wonderful woman behind this Godly statement made me realized how powerless we are and that we need God’s power to purify our desires:

“My intimacy with God, I want to have an intimacy with God. That simply motivates me to recognize secret sins and completely surrendered them to God”­-An over comer Godly woman.

Another Godly woman from miles away amazed me with her declaration:
“Thanks to God for letting me know that it was a sin...”-A beautiful woman ­delivered from the spirit of lust.

This is just a beginning of our journey of encouraging one another, declaring God’s power that we are powerless, that we need Him and fully depend on Him for us not to give in to temptation and to fall short of His glory. 

Be with me as we shouted, "GO, GO, GO" and be bold telling the world that sex outside the boundary of marriage is a sin against our Creator.

This coming August 18, 2012, Saturday from 8:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M, all together let us rise up the banner of “Winning the Purity War” as Dr. Jim Cecy will be empowered and guided by the Holy Spirit as he will voice out the topic about:

“A revival of Purity”
“Oneness in Marriage”
“Man’s Abuses”
“Safeguarding my Personal Purity”


5F CCF Auditorium, St. Francis Square, Julia Vargas Ave., corner Bank Drive, Ortigas Center Mandaluyong City
For more details call 772-3035 to 39 and look for Joy/Marie or text 0917-3861798/0908-1940122/0932-4130767

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